Ross Anthony, M.Ed. (A Los Angeles Creative)
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¤ 2016 ¤

Just 1 bowl this year. I've thrown myself into my freelance video production work. I'm loving it, but have not been promoting my books much. As a result, I had just 1 bowl of chili to offer to 1 homeless person. I must admit, this made me wonder why I was running "the program" at all this year. But, as I loaded up the 1 bowl and head out, I had this sweet feeling that it's not just the doing and the numbers of the doing, but the spirit of the doing that also has powerful ripple effects -- and not just for the receiver, but admittedly for the giver. I felt honored and "lucky" to be the giver. It's a helpful perspective, and I encourage all of you (and myself) to remember to give it a go often.

So, Chili (my motorbike) and I took the one bowl of chili to a grassy fenced off area nearby a highway on-ramp where I had been told homeless were living. I discovered an opening in the fence and an empty chair, which seemed to confirm the tip. I parked Chili, took my helmet off, and retrieved the bowl of chili from the "trunk." As I was preparing myself to enter and "go looking" for hungry souls, one came riding up on a bicycle. He was gray and bearded, but riding the bike like a child, weaving this way and that at low speeds just to amuse himself. I waved and said, "You want some chili." He focused his attention on me and said, "Yes" and rode straight up to me continuing, "I remember you and your chili! It's delicious!" "Oh," I said, surprised that he'd remember me from a year or two ago, "Thanks!" "No," he replied, "Thank you." And headed into the grassy area with his bike and bowl of chili.

Giving - it's a beautiful thing. What one small thing can you give today?

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© 2015 photos, text, art, music copyright Ross Anthony. Thank you to all those who have participated in chil4homeless! (My Readers! My Friends! My Family! Misc. Strangers! Kocanda, Galati, Rand, Keszek, and many many more!

Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Jan-2018 19:20:10 PST