Gritty, yet enlightening to the Department of Family Services. See how the system is viewed by the youths it attempts to serve. Well acted for the most part, though there are a few sticky moments. The youths do a fine job, some surprisingly well. It's not quite a musical, but it does dabble, and moves with a bit of a backbeat as well. Impressively written and acted by "a cast of ordinary foster care youth." Director Juan Carlos Piniero Escoriaza (non-foster) also has writing credit (the film is adapted from the musical). The writing is strong with several well-woven stories. The back up cast (working actors, I'm assuming), as well as overall filmmaking are all solid.
The film also serves as a call to action, leaving us with some startling foster youth statistics:
only 50% will complete high school and only 3% college, while 60% will be convicted of a crime and 75% will receive public assistance.
Curious about these topics? Here are a couple of other film that might interest you: Precious and White Oleander.
-- Books by Author/Illustrator Ross Anthony --