It sure is nice to see the Coen brothers back in form. I received a lot of emails regarding my critical review of "No Country For Old Men." Thank you all for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed that film more than I. In the end, I'm just a moviegoer too, not the final authority, save for what I, myself enjoy. And I enjoy the Coen brothers' wry sense of humor, quirky story-lines and odd awkward dialogue. I'm always eager to see their next picture. "Burn After Reading" entertains! It's fun, it's light (though there are a few deaths) and it strongly compels.
Save for a rather abrupt, not quite climatic end to the picture, there is nearly nothing in this film done poorly. The direction is crisp and alive, the editing sharp, the dialogue punctuated and the acting spot on. The film grabs you immediately and never lets you go. Aside from one weird and way-off "Phillip Glass -like" musical moment during the sailboat & Dad scene, the score is quite powerful. I love the percussion and the level dynamics. The sound mixing of the score is also to be praised -- fills the theatre.
A funny story for funny's story sake. A very strong B+.
-- Books by Author/Illustrator/Speaker Ross Anthony --