Whew... I'm almost speechless, thoughtless ... out
of my mind. I've been assaulted with music video
images (Rated R for graphic violence) for nearly two
hours. I'm not sure what to think.
Well, I had to eat (that's for sure). After
mentioning that I'd just seen "The Cell" the waitress
at a local restaurant asked, "Oh, how was it? I want
to see it?" My head just went blank. Hmmmm. The
film's strange, so strange that the quick rating
neuron in my brain kind of flickered 'E' for
Here's my best shot:
The film opens with Jenny, in a flaming white
dress, on the back of black horse trotting across the
ridges of barren and endless sand dunes. She meets a
child and tries to encourage him out of his shyness.
But it's not real, she's in his mind and he's in a
coma. This is the set up. Shift attention to a serial
killer, who has kidnapped his latest beautiful
victim, caged her in an automated torture cell and
then collapsed into a coma himself. The cops find
him, but have no idea the location of "The Cell." By
now we begin see Jenny's use here, a psychologist in
a futuristic facility capable of mind
All of this is filmed beautifully (though at times
grainy) with keen attention paid to transitions and
sound. The film has big audio. Even in the real
world, the John Woo feel of direction gives a surreal
edge. But once into the minds of our principals ...
sit back and enjoy the wild imagery. High kudos to
the art directors and costume designers.
Disturbing, sick, with moments of out and out
gore, the film is a twisted mix of last year's two
big hits "The Sixth
Sense" and "The Matrix." Though,
interesting and respectably compelling, not quite as
fulfilling as either.
Bones? Okay, I've got nothing against Jennifer's
butt, but not in this film - she's a psychologist! An
earlier gratuitous shot of Jen in her underwear is
clearly beneath the picture. Additionally, her
glamour make up is distracting. Perhaps it works in
the mind sequences; but in reality, I think a more
plain/stark appearance would have complemented the
film (as with Tomei in "The Watcher").
Lastly, we're asked to buy into this sci-fi
techno-potentiality ... I was willing, but why the
actual "mind-connecting" room was fitted for locks is
completely over the top hard to believe. One must
unfortunately chalk it up as a contrivance used only
for plot progression.
That said, good story telling, excellent
direction, never a boring moment.