In the past, both Lane and Gere have proven that they have great acting moments in them, unfortunately, they don't excel in this film. But don't worry, their chops here are still fair to middling. Surprisingly, despite the fact that they don't light up the screen with chemistry either, the movie still works, probably because at its heart, it's a good story of the heart. Speaking of great performances, two ancillary characters give their little screen time big punch. There's the gent who plays Gere's son, and then there's Scott Glen who's performance is knock-it-out-of-the-park great. Yep, he had me in a bundle of tears.
While I did like the story in general, there were moments were the adaptation to screen felt a tad clunky. But despite that, and despite the sappy and even hokey bits, the picture still works. The direction on the whole is strong and carries the production along at a warm, yet never lagging pace. I was always engaged, I was always interested in what happened next, and I was always entertained. I enjoyed the cinematography over all as well, but the CGI seams (especially in the storm scenes) were not always seamless. And of course, there were always two beautiful people on screen to gawk at.
This film screened at a Krikorian Theatre.
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