Still Searching?
We do read our logs. And we know you are not
all looking for movie reviews. Our humble
site can't provide all that you seek, but
maybe these links will help.
- An independent film house run by a good friend of Ross.
- How an Average Man Lived an Adventurous Life! The book by John Linnemeier
- The Lonesome Traveler. John Linnemeier's blog
- A site where you and your friends can review popular movies. Be quoted!
- The World 3-D Film Expo
'03 hits Los Angeles in September.
Ten days, over 30 classic 3-D films -- all
projected for polarized glasses.
- Drew's Script-O-Rama. Drew
has links to a wide variety of scripts,
screenplays and drafts.
- Movie Scripts
courtesy of More of the
same, plus trailers, posters, news and
- A great
resource for movie news, schedules and
box-office stats.
- Posters!
Provided by the Cranky Critic.
- This
is an awesome e-commerce site with very
detailed search results. Titles, artists
and reviews are all included along with
sound samples and album notes. You can also
find video and DVD releases here.
- The T-Rex Movie
House. This is the place to go for
movie trailers and miscellaneous movie
clips. The site contains trailers and clips
gathered from various sites on the
- Movie Cliches. If you're
in the mood for a good laugh at the expense
of the movies...
- Movie Mistakes. Ever find
a blatant error in a film? We have. And so
have some of our readers. Here's a place to
vent, to find mistakes you missed or to
simply find trivia to impress your
- Showtimes from OK, so Ross has inspired you
to see a film. But where is it playing?
When? How do you get there? Look no
further: Enter your zip code, how far you
are willing to travel and all these answers
and more are provided.
- You
love movies so much you want to make your
own, right? Find the scoop on the movie biz
from the inside. Funding, contracts,
agents, business plans: You'll find it all

One Good Turn....
Through our logs and other sources, we've
found that the following sites have links to
us. Thanks!
- 123 India --
India's premier search engine. This link
is to the Hindi film section. Find us
there under 1947
- The A-List is a
compilation of film reviews from major
print and internet film critics. And plenty
of statistical analysis (He's an MIT man,
you know) going on there, too.
- BBM at the
- BBM is De Niro
- -- Bkwholesale helps people like you start your own business, get better distributors, or just save you money on all your entertainment needs.
- A James Cameron
fan page -- This site is dedicated to
James Cameron and his movies. It's
loaded with scripts, reviews, pictures,
movie clips and a lot more.
- The unofficial Diana Scarwid
Homepage. One of the most
respectful "fan sites" we've seen:
"celebrities are people and they owe us
nothing more than what they are willing to
share with us."
- Dream Central -- Dedicated
to dreams.
- DVD Magnet -- started out as a small internet site selling movies with one purpose; use the internet to cut costs and pass the savings on to the consumer.
- Goldstar Events -- Have
trouble remembering what you did last
weekend? Tired of renting DVDs every Friday
- GTFO Domain -- YES!
Any site that features the likes of Mannix
and SETI and still links to us ....
- The Internet Movie
Database -- What can we say? The
best source of information about movies and
moviemakers. Find Ross' reviews here.
- KeanuWeb --
All things Keanu. Based in the Netherlands,
this beautifully designed site features an
excellent Matrix
section. You can even
download the script!
- "I can't always remember his name, but he's a heck
of a nice guy, full of creative ideas like myself and a fellow
reviewer. It gives me great pleasure to link to his site. And if you
like to read reviews of films screened by a guy who ALWAYS sits in the
front row -- check out Luke (hey! I remembered)." Ross Anthony
Well, while our team is world-tavelled and
we speak about 5 languages among us, none
of us read Hebrew.... But it's a movie site
for sure....
- A Russian Matrix
- A Michelle Yeoh fan
site... All kinds of links to more Michelle
- Netsurfer Digest tells you
what's cool on the web. Guess the kind
comments about us show we're cool!
- A page about "Paulo Costanzo's
amazingly awesome acting talent and good
looks." : )
- Rotten Tomatoes is another
very popular source for movie reviews and
- Fast & Furious net
- Not sure this link works
- MRQE Review
- 1-2-3
Copyright © 1998-2010 Ross Anthony, Author - Speaker - Solo World Circumnavigator. In addition to reviewing films and interviewing celebs at, traveling the world, composing great music, motivational speaking, Ross Anthony (Author) also runs his own publishing company in the Los Angeles area. While traversing the circumference of the planet writing books and shooting documentaries, Ross Anthony (Author) has taught, presented for, worked &/or played with locals in over 30 countries & 100 cities (Nairobi to Nagasaki). He's bungee-jumped from a bridge near Victoria Falls, wrestled with lions in Zimbabwe, crashed a Vespa off a high mountain road in Taiwan, and ridden a dirt bike across the States (coast to coast). To get signed books ("Rodney Appleseed" to "Jinshirou") by Ross Anthony (Author) or schedule him to speak check out: or call 1-800-767-7186. Special thanks to Ken Kocanda by Ross Anthony. Galati Realty also deserves a shout out. hanks to Ken Kocanda by Ross Anthony. Galati Realty also des. hanks to Ken Kocanda by Ross Anthony. Galati Realty also des. anks to Ken Kocanda by Ross Anthony. Galati Realty also de.And thanks to all of you for your interest and optimism. Check out books by Ross Anthony. Galati Pizza, Pho chicken soup, and frozen yogurt also rock! Go out into the world and inspire the people you meet with your love, kindness, and whatever it is you're really good at.