I simply love movies. I've loved them since I was
a kid. And now that I've grown enough to see over
that tall guy in row three, I still love them. So why
review? Simply put, there's a need for reviews that
put more of an emphasis on the enjoyment factor and
less on the academics. I invite readers like you to
try me out and decide for yourselves if you see the
"big pictures" the way I do. If so, then my reviews
ought be of great use when choosing a film to attend.
Secondly, I offer my opinions as constructive
criticisms to the filmmakers and talent of each
picture. It is not the purpose of these reviews to
bash movies -- nor is it to patronize them. As a
filmmaker and educator, I find feedback invaluable.
And in that spirit I write my reviews and review your
heartily welcomed comments.
Lastly, I pride myself on enjoying films across
many genres: comedy, drama, romance, family,
children, farce, action, musical, foreign, and sci
fi. Though, you should know the genres I typically
don't enjoy. Those would be: psychological thrillers,
mystery/suspense-driven, depressing and horror. (So,
if these are the three types of films you love ...
you might be better off at another site.)
People go to the movies for many different reasons
and so do I. Inspiration is my numero uno reason. I
love to be inspired. Living in Kenya in '97, I once
traveled 4 hours just to see "Ghost in the Darkness,"
it wasn't the greatest piece, but I walked out of
that Nairobi theater feeling like I could wrestle a lion. I like a film that can make me
laugh and cry and "want to be a better man." I want
to walk back into my real life with a finer insight
and stronger belief in humankind, charged to "Seize
the Day." But don't get me wrong, I also watch for
the pure fun of it -- if you think that's escapism,
then so be it. I love to be drawn into a new
wonderful dreamlike reality (ah, so it is escapism).
Additionally, I'm fine with being educated at the
theater, but it better be in an
entertaining/compelling way. Well, enough about me
... lets go see some movies!!!
Thanks for Viewing,
Ross Anthony
Your comments are welcomed, click the "Contact US" link to the lower left (last thing on the menu). I read all comments and appreciate your feedback.